Central SC Alliance welcomes new chairman and members to Board of Directors

July 11, 2022

COLUMBIA, S.C. (July 13, 2022 | Central SC Alliance) - The Central SC Alliance announces the election of Matthew Shaffer as Chairman of the CSCA Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning July 2022. Shaffer has been a board member since 2017 and previously served as Vice-Chair, Private Sector. He is representing BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina and its interests in the activities of the organization and growth of the Central SC Region.

“Being a board member and serving on the executive committee of the Central SC Alliance for several years, I am excited for this opportunity to serve as Chairman. My term comes at an interesting time, amidst national economic uncertainty and a change in the trajectory and impact of COVID. In consideration of these factors, the value proposition of the Central SC Region is poised for growth and should be extremely attractive for business development and attraction. Along with CSCA’s talented new President and CEO, a new mayor at the City of Columbia, and several new county economic developers, I am eager to harness this energy and work with them to shape the Region’s collective future. The stability we have demonstrated in these challenging times along with our assets of available land, office space, and workforce stand us in good stead for the future,” says Matthew Shaffer, Chairman, Central SC Alliance; Senior Vice President, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. (read the Chairman's full statement)

Shaffer replaces W. Keller Kissam who served since 2020.

The CSCA would also like to welcome new members to the board – Holt Chetwood, First Citizens Bank; Tushar Chikhliker, Nexsen Pruet; Shaun Randall; Dominion Energy; Jeff Ruble, Richland County Economic Development; Kevin Werner, Magnus Development Partners; and Lindsey Miles, Nephron Pharmaceuticals. The organization thanks those who have recently completed their board terms for their service – Lisa Burgess, formerly of Wells Fargo Bank; Brittany Williams, Mead & Hunt and former Chair, Central SC Alliance Committee of 100; and Michael Wolfe, First Citizens Bank.

For a full roster of the Central SC Alliance Board of Directors, centralsc.org/about-us/meet-the-board.