Irmo biotechnology company receives $900,000 grant

January 26, 2021

source: Columbia Regional Business Report

Integrated Micro-Chromatography Systems Inc., an Irmo-based biotechnology company known for developing recombinant proteins and enzymes, has been awarded a $900,000 Small Business Innovation Research Fast-Track grant from the National Institutes of Health.

The grant will fund research into the production of affordable gangliosides, biomolecules that contain sugars and a type of lipid called ceramides and play critical roles in various biological processes. IMCS will synthesize and modify gangliosides to increase researchers’ understanding of how the biomolecules, well-suited for therapeutic and diagnostic applications, affect neurological functions.

The grant will be headed by L. Andrew Lee, Ph.D., co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of IMCS, in conjunction with Xi Chen, Ph.D., chemistry professor at the University of California, Davis.

[click to read the full article & see the project description]